Thursday, October 27, 2011

isabella's fashion show

isabella has some dresses that she is just about to grow out of, so i decided to make a fashion show of them with her!


Ahhh lately so many crazy things have been happening!
i've been going into ther city regularly for an osteo appointment, so i started taking photos of beautiful buildings i love, isabella and i moved to a friends home while we finish waiting to leave because we were told to move out of our previous home without any reason, - she is quite loved by the new family!
i am feeling overly stressed and exhausted by getting us organised to move over to peru, i just want to be there with my beautiful husband, everyday i miss him so much- we both look forward to hearing from each other everyday and can't wait to see each other in person again.
we caught up with a good friend jen in a delightful park on her lunch break one day:)
isabella has been trying to crawl everyday and wriggles so much, and then this morning she actually lifted herself halfway up when she was laying down to try and get up to sit! she amazes me so much:) what a blessing in my life, to wake up next her her everyday and see her beautiful smile and listen to her gorgeous giggles and chattering.
on monday i ended up in hospital for the whole day hooked up to the heart monitor and an IV drip from bad gastro- i was sick for five days. i feel better now, just tired.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunny Afternoon

it was just one of those days where the weather was so delightful  and perfect for seeing a friend in the city to relax on the lawns of The State Library. 

little isabella all tuckered out from her adventure into the city. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Scrumptious Bella-Boo

My beautiful baby girl turned six weeks old this week, I am a very blessed mummy to have her in my life- I love her so much.

To The Market, To The Market To Buy a Fat Pig

I went to the Dandenong Market today with Isabella and my friend Lucinda. We weren't impressed by it overall as it has many bogans and the food quality wasn't the best, but it was still fun to have  look around in the cultural melting pot.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Friends, a Cafe and a Park.

Isabella and I had a delightful lunch with two of my dear friends- Andy and Tracey at a cafe in Clifton Hill called "Mixed Business". I have come to the conclusion that to make a typical Melbourne cafe you just need to put it in an obscure setting, have arty looking wait staff, and whimsical art pieces and decorations and thrown in some organic food. Which I love!
After lunch Tracey and I went with Isabella to play in the nearby park, it was so relaxing to enjoy the last dregs of winter sunshine.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Getting Ready to Move Interstate.

Wow, we have made the huge decision to move from Melbourne to Sydney to be close to my family. This is massive because I love Melbourne so much, but the draw card of my sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, aunty and mother is too strong. 
We are moving in October, so there is so much to organise- we need to apply for apartments online and organise getting our stuff moved up.
This time I am determined to find lots of things I love about Sydney ( I have tried living there a few times in the past, but always ran back to Hobart or Melbourne).
I do have feelings of excitement about having this new adventure with my husband and baby, as this time it will be a very different experience living there. And it feels like the right choice.
We will look forward greatly to our holidays down to Melbourne every year:)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Isabella Rose

Sixteen days ago I gave birth to my first baby- a tiny girl who we named Isabella Rose. I didn't know if I would ever see this day as I had had many health problems for years and was now 33.